Trumpcare is Rigged!
Not to worry – health care is and always has been available for all – if you can afford it. If you can’t, don’t get sick. It’s hard to imagine after 8 years of attacks, including 60 attempts by Republicans in Congress to overthrow the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it has come to this. Tax cuts for the rich – for the 400 wealthiest Americans, $7 million in tax cuts each– and then throw grandma under the bus. ZOE CARPENTER, The Nation’s associate Washington editor, has written the lead editorial for the April 3rd issue of The Nation, “Trumpcare is Rigged.”
Defund Planned Parenthood!
And of course, joined at the hip with the “Repeal/Revamp” of the ACA is the effort to defund Planned Parenthood. Hardly unexpected, but what is with the one-year deal? CHRISTINE GRIMALDI, reporter and writer for Rewire, has studied the funding for Planned Parenthood and will give us the details.
Information is Power!
Hang in there people, the life you save may be your own. And what do you think are the responsibilities of a government to her people? Do the uber-rich need this tax cut to get even more uber-rich? Or should every citizen expect the right of decent health care? Other developed nations made this choice years ago. Their non-profit systems are working well. Meanwhile, here the rich get richer, and the rest of us – well, just don’t get sick.
Tune in at 10 AM Thursday to hear more. Catch us on the archives if you miss the show Thursday. Contact us during the show at dj@wmnf.org or call 813-239-9663. You can also text us at 813-433-0885.
Peace and love to all,
Mary and Arlene
Arlene is recovering from her back surgery. She is working on standing and walking and hopes to be back in a few weeks.
Mark your calendars. THROUGH WOMEN’S EYES, the film festival that is part of the Sarasota Film Festival, supporting the US National Committee and UN Women, is April 1-2 at the Hollywood 20 in Sarasota. Check out their schedule: http://www.throughwomenseyes.com/ .
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