We are coming down to crunch time…..
This has gone beyond mud fights and something tells me the game hasn’t even begun. The conventions are coming up in just a few weeks. Do the platforms matter? Well – yes and no….. they, of course, are not binding, but they do give a hint of some of the thinking. The full platform committee of the Democratic Party meets in Orlando this weekend – Friday and Saturday, July 8th and 9th. Some issues have already been hammered out, but let’s see the final draft of some issues such as minimum wage, Social Security, equal pay, college tuition and, of course, TPP.
With that in mind, we will talk to Donna Smith, Executive Director of the Progressive Democrats of America, on Thursday’s show.
TPP – Trans-Pacific Partnership
This has far less to do with trade and more to do with the rules for the New World Order. Note to our political leaders: Did you follow the vote on Brexit? The EU has immediately changed the procedures for the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership). Liz Warren, Director of Communications and Campaign Outreach, People Demanding Action and Harriet Hetwood, Organizer with Trade Justice Alliance, Florida State Coordinator, People Demanding Action will discuss TPP, TPIP and other issues on Thursday’s show.
Tune into From a Woman’s POV Thursday at 10 am.
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