Thursday, April 20th is the 7th anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout…
What is the status of the gulf, particularly the health of all the living occupants? The dead can’t tell their stories, can they? Saturday, April 22nd is Earth Day. Is it ironic that we are having a March for Science to respect the work and our needs at this time? And next week we March for Climate Change. Do I need to connect the dots?

I repeat, the dead cannot tell their stories, but Connie May Fowler can. Her latest book, A Million Fragile Bones, can tell it. She was living in Alligator Point on Florida’s Gulf Coast, surrounded by dunes and water birds and watching dolphins swim in the distance. Hers is a personal memoir of what happened to the Gulf. She no longer lives on Alligator Point. CONNIE MAY FOWLER, award-winning novelist including Before Women Had Wings, memoirist, screenwriter, and teacher, will tell us why.
RIKI OTT, PhD., marine biologist, audacious science battler with the Exon Valdez tragedy, immediately knew when she heard about the blowout that the people of the gulf needed her hard-earned expertise. She headed for the Gulf and has spent a great deal of time since then collecting data, advising people, helping organize, trying to expose the truth of the ramifications of that blowout and the ramifications of the cost of our depending on fossil fuels.
Riki is quite aware that the problems the people in Pennsylvania and Ohio and other fracking communities are very similar to what she saw with the Exxon Valdez and the Deepwater Horizon Blowout. These are not unique tragedies. Who is spinning this web of death? Riki will speak with us about these tragedies. Surely we do not want to become A MILLION FRAGILE BONES prematurely and unnecessarily. Dust to dust, but need it be toxic dust?
Tune in Thursday at 10 am at 88.5. If you missed the show you can always listen to it (or any of the shows for the last few years) here.
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