The March for Science in Conjunction with Earth Day…..
Who would have “thunk” that in the year 2017 we would be marching for science? Actually it makes a great deal of sense. We live in a time of extreme ideologies, all clamoring for the podium of power. Science historically has challenged the paradigm of untested ideology. Bruno lost his life supporting the Copernican theory of planet rotation – Galileo’s telescope proved it, but he wisely tempered his words. Science has never been for the faint of heart. Truth can be a foe of certainty.
The accomplishments and inventions of science are far too numerous to mention. But to me, what has always made science special is that it is the language of the people. The questions of why, how and what looked at through human eyes and parameters of thought. The answers come out of those questions and the chips fall where they may. The “chips” do not always support “perceived ideology” and the real beauty of science is the necessity of consensus by many others to verify your finding. The people united – kind of necessary for today don’t you think?
The Earth Day Network alarmed by the challenges to the value of science, was one of the first to call for people’s support and a march. Growing out as a network from the original Earth Day, April 22, 1970 it was natural that they would call for support of science on this day. KATHLEEN ROGERS, President of Earth Day Network, who has worked for more than 20 years as an environmental attorney and advocate, will bring us up to date.
It’s all about people!
The only way we can meet the challenges we have today is by the “people united, we will never be defeated.” What is happening at the local levels is truly making a difference. Two local leaders, SUZANNE BENTON and AMY WEINTRAUB, organizers of the St. Pete Women’s March for Solidarity January 21, will receive The Gardner W. Beckett JR Civil Liberties Award from the ACLU at their Annual Bill of Rights Award Dinner April 20th for organizing the march. They will bring us up to date on their continuing activities. Suzanne will treat us to “From the Grave of Martyrs,” the powerful presentation she did at the Through Women’s Eyes Film Festival
Tune into From a Woman’s POV every Thursday at 10 am. You can listen to the show live on your radio at 88.5 FM or on the web. Text us at 813-433-0885 or email us at dj@wmnf.org.
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