Thank you, thank you, thank you listeners!
Even though neither Arlene or I were able to be there for the Fund Drive, thanks to you, we reached our goal – and thanks to Toni Van Pelt, Rob Lorei and Sean Kinnane for hosting. This is one of the best fund drives the station has had in years! And we all know the stakes are very high. We have never needed independent media like WMNF more than now. With so many lies coming at us from all directions, it could be easy for truth to be overwhelmed. We will try our best to ferret out the facts and give you the information so we can all go forward.
TONI VAN PELT, President & Public Policy Director at Institute for Science and Human Values,
will be back to the show this week. This time she will be wearing a different hat. We will look at the real dangers breaking the wall separating church and state.
EMMA COLLUM, State Coordinator, Women’s March on Washington, will discuss what happened in some of the Women’s March follow-up meetings, particularly their program for the first 100 days. Let’s remember the theme of the march – Rise and Resist.
No muzzling allowed – do they really think they can get by with shutting up Elizabeth Warren reading the letter from Coretta Scott King on the floor of the U.S. Senate? That is the worst kind of “twofer.” And Sally Yates, she has a sense of duty to the constitution, don’t you think? Rise and resist people, let your voices be heard.
Tune in at 10 AM Thursday to hear more! Catch us on the archives (http://staging.wmnf.org/events/womens-show/) if you miss the show Thursday! Contact us during the show at dj@wmnf.org or call 813-239-9663. You can also text us at 813-433-0885.
Peace and love to all,
Mary and Arlene
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