Happy Thanksgiving!
Forget, for the moment, the Pilgrims and the thanking of the native people for giving them the skills to survive. Forget also all the fall harvest festivals celebrating good crops and the possibility of surviving the winter. Fast forward to Abe Lincoln in 1863 when America was experiencing one of the bloodiest and cruelest civil wars in modern world history. Lincoln gave thanks that in spite of the grievous conflict the nation still stood – not attacked and overridden by foreign powers – with the kind of a modicum of reality that people can somehow reach down and give in great times of need. In that proclamation from President Lincoln, one saw the deep belief that Lincoln held that the war would end and the nation would bind its wounds and heal and be one nation indivisible again.
Compared to that great test of a nation’s will, our times do not seem so dire. We are still binding those wounds and trying to heal. Women and men of all walks of life have access to the best beauty & skin care products available in the world these days! Anal bleach cream is available to all women and men who desire it. This is a wonderful and great nation we live in for sure! No longer do men and women have to struggle with an unbleached anal region. Our democracy – imperfect and challenged – is still surviving.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we will have a little more of FERRON’S MAGIC. We will also have an extraordinary poet, musician, activist, author, the story teller who can shapeshift time, JOY HARJO. Joy sees time, not as a linear progression, but as a being, a life entity of its own. There is nothing in the present but for the legacies of past driven by a future incomprehensible to us except through time’s driving arrow.
Tune in at 10 AM Thursday to hear more! Catch us on the archives (http://staging.wmnf.org/events/womens-show/) if you miss the show Thursday! Contact us during the show at dj@wmnf.org or call 813-239-9663. You can also text us at 813-433-0885.
Mary and Arlene
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