What do we have to say to bring attention to, and to end the sexual violence against women? One out of every five women will be raped and only 5% will result in felony convictions. Every 7 minutes someone in America commits a rape. Maybe I should have started with the last statement.
We are living in an epidemic of sexual violence. We live in a rape culture – be it football stars, elected officials, celebrities, members of the clergy….. Isn’t it time we stopped saying, “Women, you have got to protect your virginity” and start teaching our boys not to rape? KATE HARDING, author of Asking for It: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture – and What We Can Do about It, will tackle the issues that fuel rape culture head on..
In some ways, CLIMATE CHANGE is an extension of the attitudes that propel rape culture…..

Is there anything much more repugnant to Mother Nature than blasting her mountain tops – letting the debris laced with chemical toxins and arsenic fill the stream beds below? King Coal might be dying, but there is very little life left where he reigned. LAURA GOTTESDIENER, journalist, will look at the crises of energy and climate changetoday. She will tie together the demise of King Coal, fracking, and President Obama’s speeches in the arctic recognizing the incredible challenge of our time. She is not shy to tell it like it is!
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