Expired WMNF Marching in the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade – Tampa

  •  January 15, 2018
     11:00 am - 3:00 pm

WMNF will once again march with its community. Please come join us! We are #99 in the parade route. Look for Steve the Hitman’s red HITMAN truck and the whole Soul Party crew.

If you are interested in marching, wear comfortable shoes; check the weather for the right clothes! We will be meeting at Gate #1, at Columbus Drive and the Republica De Cuba. The parade starts at noon, so please be parked and walking over by 11:30. If you have WMNF gear, like one of our great hoodies or hats, that would be extra great.

This is the parade route that is on the parade website – it is from 2016, but we believe it still applies.

If you have any questions, please write Help@wmnf.org. Hope to see you Monday!

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