WMNF Monthly Membership Blog



First, for those of you who don’t know me, I am Gene Moore, Membership Coordinator for WMNF.  I first came to Florida in 1994 and shortly thereafter became involved as a volunteer helping out in any way I could.  In 1999, I was informed that a full time position was being posted for a Volunteer and Membership Coordinator, so I applied and was hired as a staff member in 2000.

From the start, I knew that WMNF was a great organization and important to not only volunteer but provide financial support also.  88.5 receives about 70 percent of our support from you-our members. That is why it is important for you to know that I am your advocate as Membership Coordinator.  I want to make sure that you know that we are trusted stewards of generous support that keeps WMNF independent and provides those informative and entertaining broadcast that you expect from us.

If you have any questions about your membership status, need to update you contact info, credit card number, make a contribution or any other related matterss, please contact me at 813-865-8264 or email gene@wmnf.org.  I will do my best to provide you whatever is needed to make your relationship with 88.5 strong and long lasting.

We want to welcome our newest members, John of Sarasota and Todd of Somerset, PA.  Todd was down for spring training and thanked us for keeping him entertained while he was here.  Also welcome to our newest Circle of Friends member Terry from Gainesville.  Thank you all for your generous support.  Be like John, Todd and Terry, if you have been listening for a while and want to ensure that we can continue the great programming, please consider making a contribution online at wmnf.org or call me at 813-865-8264.  Working together we can ensure that WMNF Community Conscious Radio 88.5 will be here for years to come.

Thanks for your time, I will be back next month with an update.

Yours in community,

Gene Moore

Membership Coordinator

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