WMNF General Manager Craig Kopp resigns


WMNF General Manager Craig Kopp resigned today, effective immediately.

In his resignation note, he cited the community’s reaction to the firing and subsequent re-hiring of News and Public Affairs Director Rob Lorei as the reason, including anti-Semitic and other ‘toxic’ comments made.

“I love WMNF as a concept and have dedicated myself to setting it up to continue far into the future.” wrote Kopp. “But the reinstatement of Rob Lorei assures that it will remain firmly rooted in the past.”

Craig was hired by WMNF in February, 2015, from WUSF, where he was the host of their afternoon news broadcast.

 Presently approaching our 40th anniversary, the Board of Directors of WMNF remains committed to serving the diverse culture of our community through both our music and public affairs programming,  The job search for a new General Manager will commence soon.

Please contact Board President David Harbeitner at  wmnfboardpres@wmnf.org with any questions.

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