Weekends on WMNF

Marcie Finkelstein speaks with Todd Snider on Words & Music
Marcie Finkelstein speaks with Todd Snider on Words & Music

Saturday Mornings

Rooftop Music(3-6AM) is a brand new show to WMNF and brings 70s and 80s dance music courtesy of DJ Sunny Black.

Moving to a new spot and bringing some wonderful music to start your Saturday morning, Music of the Isles(6-7AM) will keep delivering your Celtic music fix.

Sid and Alida keep the morning moving with three hours of their classic Saturday Bluegrass Show(7-10AM)

Words & Music on WMNF

During the pandemic, Marcie Finkelstein began checking in with some of WMNFs favorite musicians to see how they were handling the abrupt change to the landscape of the musical world. Her interviews have become a weekly segment in her new show, Words & Music (10AM-Noon).

The show also includes the same mix of new releases and old favorites you’ve been enjoying from her on Tuesday mornings.  You can hear her interviews on the Words & Music page at the link above.

Saturday Afternoon

A sonic journey through the decades starts with The 60s Show(Noon-2PM) hosted by Dr. Bob, continues with The 70s Show(2-4PM) brought to you by KTUF, and finishes with Surface Noise (4-6PM), DJ Lounge Laura Taylor’s look at it all with a focus on New Wave, Power Pop, Punk, and more.

Saturday Night

The party continues with some more familiar voices and shows. Cheryl Mogul brings the classic WMNF show Saturday Soulful Soiree(6-8PM) back to carry us into the night with The Saturday Night House Party(8-10PM) hosted by DJ CenFlo.

Waves Of The Bay(10PM-Midnight) returns with DJ Spaceship and Tone Kapone highlighting the best in local hip-hop.

Saturday Night Shutdown(Midnight – 3AM) takes us into Sunday morning without slowing down, and House of Soul(3-6AM) caps the party off with the best in house and soul music.

Sunday Mornings

Wake up with Sister Pat on Sunday mornings for some gospel classics in the Gospel Classic Hour(6-8AM).

Walter Smith returns with the Sunday Forum(8-10AM). He and guests tackle issues of human diversity, public policy, economic disparity, racial oppression, and global conflict.

Sunday Folk and Cultural Music and More

Postmodern Hootenany(10-Noon) and Acoustic Peace Club(Noon-2PM) move to Sunday’s and kicks off a block of music and poetry celebrating folk and cultural music from America and across the globe.

The long running Sunday Simcha(2-3PM) continues the Sunday lineup with music from the Jewish community.

African Safari(3-4PM) and Caribbean Cruise(4-6PM) join up to deliver music from

all areas of Africa and the African Diaspora.

Colors of Jazz(8-10PM) is your time to relax to the music that sounds like America, going all the way back to Louis Armstrong, through the big band era.

Celebrating all things spoken, Poetry Is(8-9PM) continues on Sunday nights bringing the best poets in Tampa Bay to WMNF and Thee Righteous Temple of Hip Hop(9-10PM) brings us hip hop from a Christian perspective.

Something Different

Peter Tush and Mark Perfetti return with the WMNFs long running freeform show Step Outside(10PM-Midnight). Mike B follows up with another ride through uncharted territory with the return of Bodyrock(Midnight-3AM).

End your weekend, or start your week

Mark Hardt brings us back into the weekday with Sonic Sunrise(3-6AM). A show that will certainly get you up on the right side of the bed.

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