On Thursday afternoon USF students will rally in support of students at the University of Missouri who have faced threats of violence after the school’s president and provost resigned in response to student protests; black students organized the Mizzou demonstrations because they felt the administration was not doing enough to fight racism on campus.
Nia Knighton with the group Black Out Tampa is helping to organize the USF Stands With Mizzou solidarity demonstration. It begins at 5:00 p.m. at the MLK Plaza stage-front on the University of South Florida Tampa campus.
Listen to the full interview:
One Response to “USF students to rally in solidarity with Mizzou”
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did I hear correctly, @ #USFstandsWithMizzou, that when a student took her grievances about racism to USF’s SRR office, that the arbitrator dismissed her situation and cited “reverse racism?” … because … when I had to visit the SRR office, I made the assumption that I could trust the person I spoke with, that the person specialized in areas of social competence … but … i mean, people who talk about “reverse racism” are really, really dumb … so … I guess I’m lucky I got out of there alive … (actually by lucky i mean white) … I hope that person doesn’t still work in SRR, but they probably do. I hope they name her, the SRR officer.