Unclaimed prizes from drawing at the Rockabilly Ruckus at Skipper’s, 5/11/19


Unclaimed prizes from drawing at the Rockabilly Ruckus at Skipper’s, 5/11/19

Thanks to all who attended this fun “14th Annual” show at Skipper’s… Especially to those who took a chance on buying a ticket to WIN!  A few lucky winners left the show before picking up their gifts ~ Here are the unclaimed PRIZE Chance Drawing ticket numbers:

WMNF Americana Fest tickets (a pair) 8/10/19 at Skipper’s: 748673

Goodies from WMNF Community Partners ~

La France $50 Gift Certificate749255

To claim a gift, the winning ticket must be presented at WMNF.  All charges for sending a ticket to 88.5FM and mailing of prizes, falls to the winner.  If you hold one of these winning tickets, please contact Miss Julie, ASAP during business hours at 813-238-8001 or missjulie@wmnf.org ~ Thanks again for your participation and especially thank you to these Community Partners: Cabot Creamery Cooperative, London Heights Pub, WB Pottery (Bill Bonney), Melitta Coffee, La France & the Hub Bar…  We hope you enjoyed the show!!

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