“Truth, Lies and Deceit” on Morning Energy


Known as “the Document of the Decade” by some, the long awaited “Mueller Report” which spanned more than 400 pages left many people at a crossroad regarding their feelings about President Donald Trump, the members of his administration and many of his associates. Some people, for example, were surprised by many of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s finding especially considering the many public statements that were made from the Trump Administration and his association denying their involvement with the Russian government. Others individuals, such as Utah Senator Mitt Romney were “sicken and appalled” by the findings (as documented on his Twitter account). Additionally,  there were other’s whose support of President Trump never waivered because they never cease to believe that the investigation was nothing more than an ongoing witch hunt. Despite what side of the political fence you may be on, although the Mueller Report clears President Trump of criminally conspiring with the Russian government to boost his election, the report does describes numerous instances in which President Trump may have obstructed justice. But despite the dozens of people who were indicted during the Mueller investigation to include 13 Russian nationals for interfering in the 2016 election , Why do people continue to believe in something or someone, even when there is rational and substantial evidence that proves otherwise?

On Morning Energy we are going to spend time exploring the topic of Truth, Lies and Deceit as it relates to various areas of our lives. We will be  answering questions such as: (1) Why we believe liars? (2) How we let lies become our truth? (3) When lying is permissible? and (4) How lying affects our personal and professional relationships.

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