Is Trumpy a bad dream? Are these bizarre primaries a fantastic illusion? After reading Chip Jacobs
‘ book Strange As It Seems, you could easily believe the hallucinatory-like run-up to the Presidential election is really a figment of Chip’s imagination and we are all living in the peculiar world he paints so vividly. In Strange As It Seems: The Impossible Life of Gordon Zahler
, Chip Jacobs tells the story of his uncle, a fun-loving prankster, a live wire kid with a tremendous future, who shattered his neck at fourteen in a horrifying gymnastics fall. Doctors gave Gordon a one percent shot at survival. That’s when the miracles began,
paralyzed from the next down, Zahler
defied the odds and became a kingpin in Hollywood, as his music and sound effects post-production house scored films for low budget sci-fi films, genre movies like Sam Fuller’s Shock Corridor
, Popeye and Bozo the Clown
cartoons, as well as hundreds of other projects including his clever soundtrack on Ed Wood Jr’s
infamous Plan 9 From Outer Space
. Eventually wealthy, with a house off the Sunset Strip, a devoted blond trophy wife and raucous, star-filled parties, Gordon – 95-pound dynamo – built an existence from scratch that mere able-bodied mortals could only dream about. As a boy, Jacobs was not overly fond his uncle with a spidery physique and witchy arms. As an adult hungry to understand his family’s past, Chip Jacobs‘ trepidation gave way to awe and curiosity. In the next edition of Life Elsewhere, Norman B chats with Chip Jacobs about his remarkable story that is, Strange As It Seems.
We stay in a Tinsel Town mode with acclaimed film and media critic, Bob Ross. The frequent Life Elsewhere guest will don his Carnac hat to give his Oscar predictions.
Find out about Chip Jacobs other books here
Life Elsewhere airs:
Sundays 12 noon ET at The Source WMNF HD3
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