Specific dates to be announced. Check here for updates!
In the Second Half of January 2023: A recorded meeting open to internal stakeholders was held on January 17th, where Sam and Sean first met with the Program Change Review Committee.
On January 31st, Sam and Sean will propose Grid 1, a draft version of the new on-air schedule that will only show where Music and News and Public Affairs programs will go. They will hold space in this meeting for questions, comments, and feedback from visitors and the Program Change Review Committee alike.
In the Second Week of February 2023, before Pledge Drive (beginning February 22nd): Sam and Sean will propose Grid 2, a version of the schedule that won’t have show names, but will outline available timeslots and general genres. They will first meet with the Program Review Committee for feedback, then host an All-Station meeting on Tuesday, April 4th at 7pm to receive feedback from the community.
Here is the Zoom Link to the All Station Meeting on April 4th:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 233 568 0067
Passcode: m2B1N7
March 10th-March 31st: All program applications will start to be accepted and interviews conducted with programmers. Current programmers will need to reapply here. Grid 2 is almost finalized, yet open to tweaks based on types of applications received.
Second to Third Week of April 2023: Applications and interviews are closed. Sam and Sean will make decisions on what programs go where, and make a tentative Grid 3, the final broadcast schedule. They will present Grid 3 to the Program Change Review Committee for feedback.
Third Week of May 2023: Sam and Sean will finalize Grid 3 based on data and feedback from meetings with the Program Change Review Committee, staff, and stakeholders. An announcement will be made to the station!
First Week of June 2023: New schedule starts. Between Mid-April and the first week of June, programmers can inform listeners of where they can find their new timeslot if necessary, or announce their final shows.
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