This month in Tampa is Colorectal Cancer awareness month

physician with patient
Doctor with patient by Drazen Zigic via iStock for WMNF News.

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This month is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in Tampa. This cancer is considered the number 2 killer in men and women in the US.

Tim McDonald is an advocate in Tampa who has stage IV Colorectal Cancer. McDonald says there are two good ways to avoid this type of cancer. One is early detection. This is done through screening and the recommended age was just lowered from 50 to 45. The other way is to be your own advocate with doctors even if it means getting different opinions from many doctors.

“If you have any symptoms like blood in your stool, weight loss, chills, night sweats, anything like that, irregular bowl movements, anything along those lines. My suggestion no matter what your age is to talk to your doctor.”

The City of Tampa will be illuminating landmarks, including the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, in blue lights until tomorrow to symbolize hope and support for those affected by colorectal cancer.

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