New College’s new president
Interim president of New College, Richard Corcoran, was chosen as the school’s permanent president yesterday. This comes amidst Governor Ron DeSantis’ conservative transformation of the small honors college.
Protests at New College
Dozens of students gathered in protest of fiduciary and financial issues closest to them before the decision for the president of New College was announced by the board of trustees. Financing a new athletics program while reworking staff, curriculum, and infrastructure were among the topics of concern.
Nationwide emergency alerts
The federal government will be testing its nationwide emergency alert system at 2:20 today.
Information from the Florida Public Media, News Service of Florida, and Associated Press was used in this report.
The Scoop: Tampa Bay & Florida headlines by WMNF
The Scoop producer Corey Beltran
WMNF anchors Chris Young, Lisa Marzilli, Josh Holton, Seán Kinane
WMNF News Director Sean Kinane
WMNF reporters Chris Young, Lisa Marzilli, Josh Holton, Seán Kinane, Ta’Leah Van Sistine, Colleen Cole, Taylor Lovejoy
Special thanks to Taylor Lovejoy, Justin Seecharan, Novia Levy, Camilla Carrero, Kayla Allen
Theme music, Fresh06, by Stian via archive.org – CC-BY-NC-SA 2.5
The Scoop logo by Robin Milcowitz / Greener Pixels / greenerpixels.com / WMNF
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