Inmate reentry simulator
Hillsborough County has nearly 3,000 inmates booked in county jails on any given day. Once released, they face a number of obstacles on their path back to a normal life. A reentry simulator helps employees and local officials in the criminal justice system better understand the roadblocks facing formerly convicted persons. For more information, go to wmnf.org/news.
Property tax
In September, the Tampa City Council voted against a major property tax rate increase proposed by Mayor Jane Castor. One city council member spoke Friday as to why he voted to reject Castor’s proposed increase.
New College President’s salary
New College of Florida President Richard Corcoran is set to earn up to $1.3 million per year under a five-year contract that was approved Friday. It also steers hundreds of thousands of dollars in deferred compensation and retention payments to Corcoran. The employment agreement will need final approval from the state university system’s Board of Governors.
Official use only
On Wednesday Republican Governor and presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis took time to dedicate a Manatee County park that was renamed in his honor, but later in the day he held a presidential fundraiser at an exclusive golf club near the park. State law prohibits the state’s elected chief executive from using the official plane for personal use. By stacking the two events, taxpayers may be covering flights to fundraisers.
Mangroves are key
A storm could threaten Florida at any time. This is why home and yard maintenance throughout hurricane season is extremely important. Keeping trees trimmed and free of excess branches is key. But protected trees like mangroves are so essential to the health of local ecosystems, that they should be either handled with care or not at all.
Information from the Florida Public Media, News Service of Florida, and Associated Press was used in this report.
The Scoop: Tampa Bay & Florida headlines by WMNF
The Scoop producer Corey Beltran
WMNF anchors Chris Young, Lisa Marzilli, Josh Holton, Seán Kinane
WMNF News Director Sean Kinane
WMNF reporters Chris Young, Lisa Marzilli, Josh Holton, Seán Kinane, Ta’Leah Van Sistine, Colleen Cole, Taylor Lovejoy
Special thanks to Taylor Lovejoy, Justin Seecharan, Novia Levy, Camilla Carrero, Kayla Allen
Theme music, Fresh06, by Stian via archive.org – CC-BY-NC-SA 2.5
The Scoop logo by Robin Milcowitz / Greener Pixels / greenerpixels.com / WMNF
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