St Petersburg’s Dali Museum has nearly doubled its earlier request for bed tax funding. It is due to recent increases in construction costs and expansion. According to St. Pete Catalyst, the Dali Museum expansion will include a dome that will feature art projections. It will also include a new building that will be used for digital experiences. For the expansion to move forward, St Pete voters must approve a ballot referendum. This will allow museum officials to build on a small strip of land called Lot 6. In 2019, county commissioners initially approved 17.5 million for funding, which was half of the original design cost of 35 million dollars. But now the expected total cost for the expansion is 68 million dollars. The Dali wants the Pinellas County bed tax to cover 50% of the costs of the expansion. The executive director of the Dali Museum, Dr. Hank Hine, says “The Dali shortens the distance from person to person through art.”
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