Teachers March in St. Pete to call for union support


The Pinellas Classroom Teachers Association joined with the Pinellas educational support professionals to march from St. Petersburg City Hall to the former Tomlinson Adult Learning Center. The nearly 100 year old historic school will be repurposed for teacher workforce housing after it closed in December 2021. William Kilgore is with the St. Petersburg tenants union.

“I’m sure you all have students who you know, don’t have stable housing. And I’m sure some of you see your rents going up. Well, they strip tenants rights right now in Tallahassee. That’s what they’re doing. They’re trying to preempt all of our rights we fought for for the past two years to the state government. That ain’t right!”

The Students for a Democratic Society came in solidarity with the teachers unions, as they are also grappling with House Bill 999, which seeks to eliminate diversity, equity and inclusion in state universities. 21 year old Gia Davila is fighting for her right to attend classes again after University of South Florida police arrested her and three other students for protesting the legislation on campus earlier last month.

“…attacks will negatively affect all schools across Florida from public K through 12 to universities, but these attacks are not representative of what students and teachers want. The people of Florida deserve to learn about their respective histories and for their schools to stand up and defend them”

The Florida Senate on Wednesday passed SB 256, which, if passed would place new restrictions on public employee unions, including preventing dues from being deducted from workers paychecks.

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