Today’s guest is Virginia Overstreet. We are talking about encouraging pollinators to our backyards.
Virginia Overstreet is the president of the Suncoast Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society in Hillsborough County. She has been a Florida Master Gardener Volunteer since 2001 and a Florida Master Naturalist since 2018. She gardens to support wildlife and to conserve Florida’s natural resources. She enjoys exploring natural Florida by hiking and kayaking.
The Suncoast Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society in Hillsborough County which was founded in 1983 and is one of the Society’s oldest chapters. The chapter shares with its parent organization, The Florida Native Plant Society, an important mission: to promote the preservation, conservation, and restoration of Florida’s native plants and native plant communities.
Virginia’s Top Native Plants
- Asclepias incarnata swamp milkweed
- Callicarpa americana beautyberry
- Canna flaccida golden canna
- Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum bird pepper
- Chasmanthium latifolium Indian woodoats
- Erythrina herbacea Coral bean
- Hamelia patens firebush
- Ilex vomitoria Yaupon holly
- Illicium floridanum Florida anise
- Lantana involucrata wild lantana
- Monarda punctata dotted horsemint
- Morella cerifera wax myrtle
- Myrcianthes fragrans Simpson’s stopper
- Passiflora suberosacorkystem passionflower
- Phytolacca americana pokeweed
- Pontederia cordata pickerelweed
- Rivina humilis rouge plant
- Salvia coccinea scarlet sage
- Salvia misella river sage
- Scutellaria integrifolia rough skullcap, helmet skullcap
- Senna chapmanii Bahama senna
- Silphium asteriscus starry rosinweed
- Smallanthus uvedalia bear’s foot, hairy leafcup
- Stachytarpheta jamaicensis blue porterweed
- Trichostema dichotomum blue curls
- Verbesina virginica frostweed, white crownbeard
- Viburnum obovatum Walter’s viburnum
- Melanthera nivea Salt & Pepper
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