Mayors of Tampa, Plant City, and Temple Terrace joined today for a panel in Tampa. They are looking for less intrusion on certain local issues from state lawmakers.
The three mayors spoke to a civic group in Tampa.
They addressed issues such as affordable housing, rising insurance rates, and infrastructure.
They also spoke out about preemptions from state government. In March, Governor Desantis signed into law the Live Local Act. It created a zoning preemption for affordable housing in Florida.
Both Mayor Jane Castor of Tampa and Mayor Nathan Kilton of Plant City spoke out against zoning legislation.
“I would say to stay away from the zoning issues. You know, that needs to be left up to the particular communities and their specific needs.”
“Allow us to operate how we know how to in our local communities.”
Speaking further on statewide lawmaking, Mayor Andy Ross of Temple Terrance thinks parties can be too divided.
“We’ve gotta demand that our elected officials stop that. If it’s a good idea for the community, it’d a good idea for the community. I don’t care who came up with it.”
The panel was hosted by the Tampa Tiger Bay Club.
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