
Women’s rights

Attorney addresses jury

A bill in Florida would allow women who have recently given birth to be excused from jury duty

©2024 The News Service of Florida A proposal that would allow women who have recently given birth to be excused from jury duty is ready for consideration by the full House after getting support Monday...

Manatee commissioner celebrates ‘huge win’ in pushing to be first county to ban abortion

A commissioner in Manatee County Tuesday called voting to fund two pro-life pregnancy centers a “huge win” in his push to make Manatee the first county in Florida to ban abortions. The vote came as...
abortion rights choice Roe

70 abortion rights supporters rally in St. Petersburg

Wednesday in St. Petersburg, about 70 demonstrators voiced their support for reproductive freedom on all four corners of an intersection along Central Avenue in downtown. What was called the “Roe v Wade Anniversary Visibility Event”...

Women’s Equality Day rally for ERA in Bradenton Monday

Supporters of an Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution will rally outside the Bradenton office of State Senate President Bill Galvano on Monday. WMNF interviewed Amy Weintraub. She is with Progress Florida and the...

Women’s rights will be celebrated at religious service

Women in the U.S. didn’t get the constitutional right to vote until the adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920, and every year, Women’s Equality Day is celebrated on August 26th. On Sunday in St....
Pro-choice rally

How will Florida women fare after President Trump picks a SCOTUS nominee?

On Monday night, President Donald Trump will end the suspense; on prime-time television he’ll announce who his SCOTUS nominee is for the Supreme Court seat being vacated by Justice Anthony Kennedy. On Monday’s MidPoint, we...

Women Didn’t Count At All on Life Elsewhere

“When the founders wrote, ‘We the People’ they really meant ‘We the White, Wealthy Men.’ Despite much lofty rhetoric, all men were not created equal and women didn’t count at all” You are just four...

Women’s Show 1/11- Time’s Up! With Bryce Covert, + Fracking & Oil Drilling with Food and Water Watch

  Time’s up!  We mean it!  You have had enough time to get your act together and change! We’re not leaving.  As Margaret Meade said, “No one in power gives up that power voluntarily.”  I...

A Night To Unite: One Tampa native and her vision for the future of women

From Women’s Marches to the #MeToo movement and a subsequent honor by Time magazine, it’s been an eventful year for women’s issues in America. The far-reaching topic is a contentious and necessary dialogue that lately...

Misogyny: The Word Of The Year?

What a year it has been, even the casual observer will acknowledge, we have never seen or lived through anything like the last twelve months. So, what should be The Word Of The Year? “Unprecedented”...

Jessica Mason Pieklo on Jane Doe in Texas and Samita Mukhopadhyay and Kate Harding on Nasty Women

And I thought The Handmaid’s Tale was fiction!  The truth will set you free – or at least help you understand why you are not free…. Have you been following Jane Doe in Texas –...
WMNF 88.5

A Stetson Law Professor Discusses President Trump’s Nominee for the Supreme Court and Women’s March Activists Planning Their Next Steps

WMNF’s Radioactivity Feb 1 2017 Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up we’ll get the perspective of a Constitutional law scholar from Stetson on President Trump’s nominee to fill the nearly year-long...

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