Women’s rights

A bill in Florida would allow women who have recently given birth to be excused from jury duty

Manatee commissioner celebrates ‘huge win’ in pushing to be first county to ban abortion

70 abortion rights supporters rally in St. Petersburg

Women’s Equality Day rally for ERA in Bradenton Monday

Women’s rights will be celebrated at religious service

How will Florida women fare after President Trump picks a SCOTUS nominee?

Women Didn’t Count At All on Life Elsewhere

Women’s Show 1/11- Time’s Up! With Bryce Covert, + Fracking & Oil Drilling with Food and Water Watch

A Night To Unite: One Tampa native and her vision for the future of women

Misogyny: The Word Of The Year?

Jessica Mason Pieklo on Jane Doe in Texas and Samita Mukhopadhyay and Kate Harding on Nasty Women