
Women’s History Month

Two Important Books On American Women’s Lives

Felicia Kornbluh – A Woman’s Life Is a Human Life  A Woman’s Life Is A Human Life – My Mother, Our Neighbor and the Journey from Reproductive Rights to Reproductive Justice is the story of...

“Celebrating Women” on Morning Energy

Eleanor Roosevelt, who was the longest-serving First Lady throughout her husband President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s four terms in office (1933-1945), once said, “A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until...
WMNF 88.5

“A Celebration of Women” on Morning Energy

March is widely known as Women’s History Month, and it is also the month in which International Women’s Day is celebrated.  From women’s suffrage to equal representation in politics, International Women’s Day  and Women’s History...

How a Florida woman helped change the motorcycle industry

These days, motorcyclists live and die by their Dyno sheets, the ultimate measure of an engine’s power. But when the machines came out in the late 80s, it was a women in Florida who bought...

Women’s Show 3/8 Happy International Women’s Day

A moment, if you will, to reflect, not only on women, but on the human race – its ongoing efforts to manifest and truly be human. It might seem ironic that women who have birthed...

Women’s Show 3/9 – Happy International Women’s Day and Month

Dare to Rise, Resist and Love! … Support A Day Without a Woman! There are many activities in the Tampa Bay area.  Show up.  Wear your red.  Stand for what you believe in.  Stand for...

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