

Florida springs and fresh water

Foes say new Florida law limiting comp plan lawsuits won’t stop their fight to save springs

Opponents of a proposed gas station near Wakulla Springs say they’re unfazed by a new state law designed to limit lawsuits over comprehensive plan changes.
wakulla springs

Vote to allow a gas station above an underground river that feeds Wakulla Springs is delayed & commissioners ask for land to be protected by Florida Forever

A decision on whether to allow a gas station above an underground river that feeds Wakulla Springs was postponed and there may be a Plan B.
Warm Mineral Springs

Warm Mineral Springs: Will North Port allow “High Intensity” development near the archaeologically important sinkhole?

Warm Mineral Springs in Sarasota County, Florida is archaeologically important. The City of North Port is considering adding development.
Florida springs and fresh water

Update on threats to Florida’s freshwater springs

The Florida Springs Council won an appeal and will get a Department of Administrative Hearing on a controversial bottled water permit.
Florida springs and fresh water

Court allows a hearing on a water permit for a company linked to Nestlé

The Florida Springs Council will get a hearing to challenge a permit for a Nestlé-linked company to pipe water to a bottling plant.
Hillsborough River (cropped)

Why have environmentalists and community leaders turned against Tampa’s plan to recycle treated wastewater?

Environmentalists & community leaders wanted to work with Tampa on options for reusing wastewater. But now they oppose the mayor's PURE plan.
free boating safety

Here’s where to get free life jackets for kids

To help children stay safe in and around the water, several organizations in Pinellas County are giving away life jackets.
Florida springs and fresh water

Should Florida have a right to clean water in its constitution?

Some activists in Florida are trying to pass an amendment to the state constitution that would protect the right to clean water.
Mosaic sinkhole

Possible tear in the lining of Mosaic’s New Wales gypstack

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection reports a possible tear in the lining of Mosaic’s New Wales gypstack.

Six-month hold on a lawsuit against the Piney Point waste site

A U.S. District Judge has put a six-month hold on a lawsuit against the Piney Point waste site. The state is trying to close the site.

MidPoint: Winning the Water Wars

For decades, the country (and the Tampa region specifically) has faced a Water War. Debates and fights over who has it, who doesn't, how we get it, and who pays for it have been a...

April is water conservation month in Florida – here’s how you can save water

April has been declared Water Conservation Month. The Southwest Florida Water Management District gives tips to conserve water.

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