
US Supreme Court

social media

Social media and gun laws await high court rulings

U.S. Supreme Court justices will rule in cases about social-media platforms and guns that could have major implications for Florida.
mifepristone molecule

WMNF aired Supreme Court arguments over the abortion drug mifepristone

The U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments over access to the abortion medication known as mifepristone.

Radioactivity Friday: “Catholics for Choice” urges Senators to reject Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett

October 9, 2020 Good Morning, welcome to Radioactivity.  I’m Rob Lorei. The Associated Press is reporting; An old directory for the Christian organization People of Praise members shows Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett served...

Former US Supreme Court reporter pens new book on the Burger Court of the 1970s and 80s

BY Rob Lorei Our guest on Radioactivity Tuesday was  Linda Greenhouse, who  covered the US Supreme Court for the New York Times for almost 30 years. She’s just co-written a new book about the Burger Court—named...
A Move to Amend protest against citizens united

Floridians Organize to Overturn Citizens United

By Rob Lorei Its been six years since The United States Supreme Court issued its Citizens United decision which determined that political campaign contributions from corporations are protected as a first amendment right under the...

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