

The Scoop: WMNF Daily News Digest

The Scoop: Fri., September 22, 2023 Tampa Bay & Florida headlines by WMNF

Educational support raises School nurses, classroom aides, and other educational support professionals in Hillsborough County will likely receive raises. This comes after Wednesday night’s negotiation session between the school district and the Hillsborough Classroom Teachers...
The Scoop: WMNF Daily News Digest

The Scoop: WMNF’s daily digest of news headlines for Wednesday, July 19th, 2023

Tampa’s new pedestrian mobility plan After being ranked one of the most dangerous cities in the country for pedestrians and cyclists, Tampa city leaders unveiled a plan yesterday to solve the problem, but it comes...
Whit Blanton

Tampa, Pinellas have big mobility plans but lack key ingredient: money

As Tampa Mayor Jane Castor released her long-awaited mobility plan Tuesday, WMNF WaveMakers discussed the ambitious goal in it and the long-range plans for improving transportation in Pinellas. Both plans seek to ease traffic congestion and...

City of Tampa reveals $2 billion plan to address transportation

After being ranked one of the most dangerous cities in the country for pedestrians and cyclists, Tampa city leaders unveiled a plan Tuesday to solve the problem. But it comes with a high price tag....

Hopes for new Florida connections on National Train Day

Children and adults alike shared delight at the excitement of hearing the whistle blowing on a train arriving from New York on its way to Miami on Saturday. Model train enthusiasts and historians gathered at...
Railroad station Amtrak

Tampa will celebrate National Train Day on Saturday

Saturday is National Train Day. Rail enthusiasts will celebrate at Tampa’s Union Station.

Possible merger of transportation organizations sparks debate in Hillsborough County

The Hillsborough Transportation Planning Organization board met to discuss a merger with transportation agencies of neighbor counties. 

Cities consider removing highways to revitalize and reconnect urban areas

Urban designer Josh Frank, who's working on highway removal projects in Syracuse and New Orleans, talks about his proposal to remove I-275 north of downtown Tampa and turn into a boulevard.

What’s The Matter With Florida?

Democrats did surprisingly well throughout the U.S. in the midterm elections, EXCEPT in Florida. What's the matter with Florida? We talk to local Democratic political leaders to find out.

MidPoint: All For Transportation is on the ballot … again

The All 4 Transportation ballot initiative team discussed the new referendum that will appear on the Nov. 2022 ballot seeking approval for a 1% sales tax for 30 years to fund transportation improvements in Hillsborough...

MidPoint: Sen. Jeff Brandes On Florida Politics & Policies

Libertarian Sen. Jeff Brandes, the most interesting Republican in Florida politics, is leaving the Florida Senate due to term limits. He joined us to discuss his passion for policy over politics, and his post-office plans...
m-cores toll roads protest. no roads to ruin coalition

Coalition celebrates FDOT’s pausing of a possible Florida Turnpike extension

The No Roads to Ruin Coalition was successful in stopping the expansion of toll highways through rural Florida. For now.

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