

Women’s Show on “Standing Up to Terrorism” 12/3

With the recent Paris attack, terrorism is in all of our minds…..  Congress seems to be obsessed with the dangers from Syrian widows and orphans.  Women throughout this country are in daily fear when they...

Women’s Show on “Perilous Times – Paris and Beyond” 11/19

What perilous times…..   Paris is the epicenter of the world right now.  What to do – who and how are critical.  Just policies demand an understanding of people.  How much did our endeavors in...
Laila Abdelaziz

CAIR responds to threats to St. Pete mosques

Update: On Tuesday the man was arrested. Listen to the story here: http://staging.wmnf.org/cair1117/ Late Friday attacks in Paris killed at least 129 people, ISIS has claimed responsibility — and there have been threats to local mosques,...

Foreign policy expert gives insight into meeting between President Obama, Saudi king Salman

by Rob Lorei This morning  on Radioactivity, we speak with Robert Naiman, policy director at Just Foreign Policy,  independent and non-partisan organization dedicated to U.S. foreign policy reformation that is based on diplomacy, law and cooperation....

Former senator Bob Graham and independent journalists claim Saudi ties to Sept.11 attacks

Former Senator Bob Graham and independent journalists claim Saudi ties to Sept.11 attacks

Did the FBI entrap would-be Tampa terrorist Sami Osmakac?

Did the FBI entrap would-be Tampa terrorist Sami Osmakac?

Author Ian Haney Lopez explains racial codewords and “dog-whistle” politics

Law Professor and Author Ian Haney Lopez explains racial codewords and "dog-whistle" politics
WMNF 88.5

Terrorism expert Loretta Napoleoni explains the spread of ISIS and its appeal to western youth

Terrorism expert Loretta Napoleoni explains the spread of ISIS and its appeal to western youth

Middle East Studies Professor criticizes Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress

Middle East Studies Professor criticizes Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Speech to Congress
WMNF 88.5

Foreign Policy Professor Pierre Guerlain on how the U.S. should combat Islamic radicalism

Foreign Policy Professor Pierre Guerlain on how the U.S. should combat Islamic radicalism

Convicted terrorist’s brother says Sami Osmakac was set up

Convicted terrorist's brother says Sami Osmakac was set up
WMNF 88.5

Defense for Sami Osmakac claims client has mental illness, entrapped by FBI

Defense for Sami Osmakac claims client has mental illness, entrapped by FBI

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