

Duke Energy

Storm project costs are approved for utilities; they’ll pass those costs on to Florida customers

Florida regulators signed off on utilities collecting hundreds of millions of dollars from customers to pay for storm-hardening projects.
Tampa Electric Apollo Beach Big Bend Power Station CO2

Florida Cabinet approves Tampa Electric’s power plant changes despite objections from environmentalists

Tampa Electric got final approval for major changes to its Big Bend Power Station in Apollo Beach; on Thursday morning the Florida Cabinet voted 3-1 in favor of TECO’s plan that includes reducing the amount...
TECO power plant natural gas fracking solar power

Solar power advocates will rally to oppose TECO’s gas conversion

Tampa Electric company wants to convert part of its Apollo Beach plant from one fossil fuel to another: from coal to methane gas. But the move is opposed by many environmental groups. They point out...
TECO CO2 emissions / climate change

Sierra Club says TECO plant conversion to gas would be “generational betrayal”

Next month the Florida Cabinet will consider granting approval to Tampa Electric Company to convert part of its Apollo Beach electric plant from coal to methane gas. But groups like the Sierra Club, Extinction Rebellion...
TECO power plant in Apollo Beach Florida burns coal and releases water vapor plus greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide that contribute to climate change

Food & Water Watch report warns against TECO’s Big Bend conversion to gas

Food & Water Watch released a report Wednesday called “The Fracking Endgame,” which criticizes natural gas exploration and blames it for pollution, making the climate crisis worse and increasing the abundance of plastics. Brooke Errett,...
Tampa Electric TECO Extinction Rebellion Florida climate change protest

Extinction Rebellion protests in Tampa against TECO’s proposed gas plant

The global Extinction Rebellion actions are taking root in the Tampa Bay area as well. There are series of events this week around the area to call attention to the crisis of runaway climate change....
TECO power plant in Apollo Beach Florida burns coal and releases water vapor plus greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide that contribute to climate change

Public will have its say on Monday on TECO’s proposed gas power plant

Tampa Electric Company wants to convert its coal-fired power plant in Apollo Beach to a plant powered by methane gas instead, at the cost of about a billion dollars. But consumer advocates and environmentalists say...
TECO power plant in Apollo Beach Florida burns coal and releases water vapor plus greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide that contribute to climate change

TECO defends conversion of Big Bend plant to gas despite calls for more solar instead

Tampa Electric Company plans to spend millions to upgrade its Big Bend Power Station in Apollo Beach to rely less on coal. But environmentalists say that instead of investing in infrastructure for fossil fuels –...
Environment Florida releases report called Troubled Waters on industrial pollution

Industry still dumping pollution into Florida waterways: report

In less than 2 years industrial facilities dumped more pollution than allowed into Florida waters 270 times; that’s according to a new report from the Environment Florida Research & Policy Center called Troubled Waters. During...
WMNF 88.5

EPA proposal could phase out coal-fired power plants by implementing CO2 emission regulations

EPA proposal could phase out coal-fired power plants by implementing CO2 emission regualtions
WMNF 88.5

Street Car gets Whiting extension line

Today the Teco Line Street Car System’s Whiting Street Extension had it’s groundbreaking ceremony at the downtown YMCA. The extension will use federal stimulus money and is one measure to bring more public transportation to...

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