
Tampa For Justice

Eric Ward and Bob Buckhorn

Tampa Police Chief takes questions from council on “biking while black”

The Tampa Police Chief answered questions Thursday morning from members of City Council about last month’s Department of Justice report that found police disproportionally stopped black bicyclists. The report concluded that despite evidence of “stark racial...
Andrew Joseph with Tampa For Justice

Tampa for Justice wants civil rights investigation of police

Last week the U.S. Department of Justice concluded that although the Tampa Police Department issued disproportionately more tickets to black bicyclists that it was not intentional and therefore not racial discrimination. That study was done...
Frank Reddick

Ballot initiative could add strong police investigative panel to Tampa charter

Community groups concerned about police accountability want to add a strong police review process to the Tampa City Charter. In a press conference Wednesday morning at the headquarters of the Hillsborough NAACP, several groups unveiled a...
Bob Buckhorn

Tampa Mayor will veto police review board ordinance

Note: after this story was published, Tampa City Council moved forward with an ordinance creating a police review board with only four members selected by council. Mayor Buckhorn said he will sign that. The original...
Civilian Review Board.

Tampa Council looks for compromise with Buckhorn on police review

Late Thursday afternoon Tampa City Council instructed its attorney to work with the city’s attorney to draft an ordinance creating a citizen board to review police actions. Besides the number of appointments by council or the...
Andrew Joseph with Tampa For Justice

Diverse group calls for strong citizen review board for Tampa Police

Some members of Tampa City Council want to go against the legal advice of the city’s attorney and create a civilian board to review actions of the police – or at least appoint more members...

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