
Sierra Club

Vote delayed on massive Manatee County bay-front development

Manatee County Commissioners have again delayed a vote on a massive coastal development called Aqua by the Bay; the latest special land use meeting began at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday and lasted into the early evening,...
Sabal Trail pipeline and DAPL protest

Federal appeals court rejects Sabal Trail approval; decision could affect other pipelines

On Tuesday  a federal appeals court struck a blow to the Sabal Trail pipeline that carries natural gas for hundreds of miles through Florida; to find out how the decision could impact controversial pipelines across the...
Sabal Trail pipeline and DAPL protest

Sierra Club challenging Sabal Trail pipeline in court

A pipeline that will carry natural gas from Alabama through Georgia into Central Florida is nearly complete; but the Sierra Club is still challenging the Sabal Trail pipeline in court. On Tuesday, Sierra Club staff...
industrial toxins wastewater

Will Hillsborough increase allowed levels of industrial toxins in wastewater?

Hillsborough County is considering an ordinance to deal with wastewater; environmentalists say overall that’s a good thing but there’s concern about one aspect: a proposal to allow higher levels of some industrial toxins in wastewater...
Sabal Trail pipeline and DAPL protest

Update on Florida’s Sabal Trail gas pipeline arrests

Construction of the Sabal Trail oil pipeline continues in north Florida and central Florida; in the past week there have been two people arrested during north Florida protests of pipeline. Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson of the Sierra...
solar power

What does St. Pete’s commitment to 100% clean energy really mean?

St. Petersburg recently became the first city in Florida to commit to 100% clean energy; on MidPoint we talk with members of the Suncoast Sierra Club about renewable energy. Emily Gorman and James Scott are co-campaign...
Sabal Trail pipeline and DAPL protest

Florida resident says pipeline construction is harming her land

A property owner in Citrus County says part of her land was scarred by Sabal Trail pipeline construction Wednesday. Kathy Lane lives on five acres about midway between Crystal River and Dunnellon in a rural...

Environmentalists seek to halt construction of natural gas pipeline through Central Florida.

By Rob Lorei Recently there have been protests against the construction of the Sabal Trail Pipeline, a 515-mile natural gas line that, once completed, will cut through Alabama, Georgia, and Central Florida. Our first guest on...
Sabal Trail route

Protest outside Duke in St. Pete against Florida pipeline

The Dakota Access Pipeline — the site of major protests and where journalist Amy Goodman had charges dismissed Monday — isn’t the only fossil fuel pipeline that’s drawing controversy; here in Florida, environmentalists are protesting...

Florida Solar Amendment Up for a Vote Right Now and the Fight for a $15 an Hour minimum Wage

By Rob Lorei Today on Radioactivity Tuesday we looked at the work that local activists are doing to promote solar energy and a livable, $15-an-hour minimum wage. First, we spoke with Deirdre Macnab and Julie Kessel from...
Wetlands Whole Foods Sarasota

Environmentalists object to Sarasota comp plan changes

The Sarasota County Comprehensive Plan is being updated and some environmentalists are concerned that at the same time protections of the public interest will be eroded. Commissioners approved changes to the comp plan Wednesday. Listen...

WMNF @ the St. Pete Pride Parade

We were so happy to again march in the 14th Annual St. Pete Pride Parade. Many thanks to the Suncoast Sierra Club for making room for WMNF volunteers. And many many thanks to Pamela Robinson, photographer...

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