
separation of church and state


A bill to allow chaplains in Florida schools is ready for Ron DeSantis

Florida school districts could soon be authorized to allow volunteer chaplains to provide services to students.
Art teacher in a school classroom with students

Full Florida Senate will vote on allowing chaplains in schools

The Senate Rules Committee approved a proposal that would authorize school districts to let volunteer chaplains provide services to students.
education classes teacher school

A Florida House Republican files a bill for volunteer school chaplains

Under the bill, district school boards and charter-school governing boards would be required to vote about whether to approve chaplains.

Radioactivity Thursday: Atheism Activist David Silverman says morality not based on religion

BY Rob Lorei On Radioactivity Thursday our guest is David Silverman, president of American Atheists, a group which works to protect the civil liberties of atheists and other secularists, and advocates for the separation of...

Is separation of church and state even still a thing?

Is separation of church and state even still a thing?

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