
self driving cars

The Scoop: WMNF Daily News Digest

The Scoop: Mon., September 11, 2023 Tampa Bay & Florida headlines by WMNF

  Florida Automated Vehicles Summit The Florida Automated Vehicles Summit took place in Downtown Tampa last week. The conference is a look ahead to the future of transportation.   The future of abortion The Florida...

Florida Automated Vehicles summit lands in Tampa

Listen:   The Florida Automated Vehicles Summit took place in Downtown Tampa, and it’s a look ahead to the future of transportation. The conference highlights how Florida can implement automated and electric vehicles. Vendors from...

Debate on Autonomous Vehicles/Self Driving Cars

Autonomous vehicles or self-driving cars are in the development stage. Companies such as Google, Tesla and the major automakers are road testing cars right now—to see how self driving cars in all sorts of conditions....

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