
Second Amendment

guns gun violence die-in

The Florida House passes a bill to overturn one post-Parkland safety measure by lowering the age to buy rifles

The Florida House on Friday passed a controversial bill that would lower the minimum age from 21 to 18 to buy rifles and shotguns.
guns gun violence die-in

A House Republican files a bill to allow open carry of firearms in Florida

HB 1619, filed by Rep. Mike Beltran, R-Riverview, would allow people to openly carry firearms in Florida.
guns gun violence die-in

A Florida bill would lower the gun-buying age from 21 to 18, reversing part of a law passed after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre

The Florida House passed a virtually identical bill during the 2023 session, but the Senate did not take up the issue.
Marijuana. By Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, May 2011.

A Florida lawsuit challenging the federal prohibition on medical cannabis patients owning guns gets a boost

A U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Second Amendment was violated when a medical cannabis patient was barred from having guns.
guns 2nd Amendment sanctuary county

Highlands County rejects becoming a Second Amendment sanctuary

On Tuesday the Highlands County Commission considered — but voted against — a resolution to make the county a “Second Amendment sanctuary;” the 4-to-1 vote came after dozens of residents spoke for or against the...

Second Amendment Scholar Says Gun Regulations Were Part of Original Intent of Founders

Our guest today says that the writers of the Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution intended for guns to be regulated. This is WMNF’s Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. There’s an...
Hilsborough County Commission meeting about rezoning at a shooting range

No decision yet on noisy shooting range’s request for rezoning

Residents of rural northwest Hillsborough County will have to wait a month to find out if they will get relief from what they say is the constant barrage of gunfire from a major shooting range...

Women’s Show 3/29 What Is It about the Guns in American Culture? Dr. Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz – The 2nd Amendment

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of guns” –Thomas Jefferson  To excerpt the end of Gary Wills essay after the Orlando Pulse Mass Killing,  “Everyone knows we are not going to do a...
Jolly Crist Congress

Jolly and Crist differ on guns, campaign money & Clinton

A closely-watched race for Congress in Pinellas County, Florida could be an opportunity for Democrats to pick up a House seat; Republican Congress member David Jolly faces an uphill battle in his newly-redrawn district against former Florida Governor Charlie...
Hassan Shibly

Muslim civil rights attorney in Tampa carries handgun

A local civil rights attorney has bought a handgun; so far, it’s not that surprising –but the attorney is the leader of the Tampa chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Hassan Shibly. On WMNF’s MidPoint...

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