

‘The cavalry has arrived,’ Michigan Governor Whitmer, St. Pete Mayor Kriseman talk American Rescue Plan signing

With the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan now law, Florida is set to receive billions in funding along with direct payments to citizens. St. Pete Mayor Rick Kriseman joined Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and others...

Pandemic relief includes billions for independent venues

Here is a link to many coronavirus resources The House and Senate Monday passed a long-overdue pandemic relief package that includes $15 billion in aid to independent venues and theaters. The Save Our Stages Act...
WMNF 88.5

Relief efforts underway after Haitian quake.

Yesterday members of Tampa’s Haitian community coordinated relief efforts for Tuesday’s deadly earthquake in Haiti. Although contact is not yet established with the quake victims, local groups are planning their next steps. In recent years,...

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