
Planned Parenthood

Florida Subcommittee Votes to overturn Roe vs Wade

Just after the Planned Parenthood decision in Texas, where a grand jury not only did not indict Planned Parenthood for selling fetal tissue, but instead chose to indict the Planned Parenthood accusers, the attack on women’s rights...

Year in Review: Stories that had us talking in 2015

As the year 2015 comes to an end this week, we take time to review some of the top stories that had us talking this year. Gay marriage was legalized by the Supreme Court in...

MidPoint for Thursday, December 3 – Congressman Alan Grayson and national affairs journalist Alec MacGillis

Orlando area Congressman and U.S. Senate hopeful Alan Grayson joined the program for the first fifteen minutes of MidPoint. He talked about the San Bernadino and Colorado Springs shootings, the upcoming House panel on Planned...

Women’s Show on “Standing Up to Terrorism” 12/3

With the recent Paris attack, terrorism is in all of our minds…..  Congress seems to be obsessed with the dangers from Syrian widows and orphans.  Women throughout this country are in daily fear when they...

From a Woman’s Point of View discusses TPP and Planned Parenthood 10/8

It’s MARATHON time again! Today’s show will depend a lot on you!  If you can contribute early, we will have more time for programming and we will love you for it! Two timely issues we...

Radioactivity looks at contentious US house committee hearing on Planned Parenthood

  By Rob Lorei Today on Radioactivity, we discuss the hearings in Washington conducted by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to look into the controversial undercover videos involving Planned Parenthood and the selling of fetal...

Women’s POV discusses Government Shutdown and Non-violent Protest 9/24

  Reporting from the Land of Oz…..     …and here the Pope has arrived… Congress is in a knockdown, drag out battle threatening to bring government to a halt over abortion.  I really do not...

Women’s POV Explores Planned Parenthood Lies 9/10

So many serious problems to focus on: the Iran Nuclear deal, the catastrophic migrant crisis, climate change talks, wars, floods , the economy-hard to know the most serious to address.  But apparently not to members...

Florida Planned Parenthood CEO responds to controversy on covert videos, state investigation

On today’s Radioactivity, Host Rob Lorei speaks with Barbara Zdravecky,CEO of Planned parenthood for Southwest and Central Florida, about the controversy surrounding a series of edited videos that purportedly showed PP staff discussing the sale of aborted fetal...

Bill for 24 hour waiting period for abortions passes Florida Legislature, heads to Gov.Scott’s desk

Bill for 24 hour waiting period for abortions passes Florida Legislature, heads to Gov.Scott's desk

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