
Obama Care

Women’s Show 10/19- #Metoo-“Expose the Pig!” & Health Care

PLEASE SHARE WITH FRIENDS! The wrecking ball continues.  Health care – whatever you have to do: sabotage, obfuscate, ridicule.  If Congress won’t repeal the ACA, then Trump is willing to pull out its moorings… Murray...

Women’s Show 3/16 – Trumpcare and Planned Parenthood

Trumpcare is Rigged! Not to worry – health care is and always has been available for all – if you can afford it.  If you can’t, don’t get sick.  It’s hard to imagine after 8...

Women’s Show with CodePink Founder, Medea Benjamin

Join us today at 10 am. We will have frequent guest Medea Benjamin from CODEPINK  covering all that is happening in Washington D.C this week. CODEPINK will be taking part in three days of Presidential Counter...

Women’s Show discusses the real costs of Medicare for All…..and Title IX 2/25

What is the real cost of “Medicare for all?” Even with the Affordable Care Act, 33 million Americans are uninsured and another 15-55 million are underinsured.  Yet by far, American’s pay the highest  health costs per...

Tampa mayor Bob Buckhorn rolls up his sleeves to get the uninsured affordable health care

Mayor Bob Buckhorn has his eyes on the prize and wants to get the uninsured in Tampa signed up for health care. Today President Obama and the Whitehouse launched the Healthy Communities Challenge. It tasks...

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