
New Music

David R Dow & Phoebe Coco on Life Elsewhere

He is a lawyer working on death row inmate appeals. Earlier in his career, he admits to being firmly in favor of capital punishment. His exposure to “the degrading of human life” on death row,...

The Last Act + Wild Hxmans on Life Elsewhere

After chatting with Brad Parks for a few moments, you’ll quickly understand why he is an international bestselling author. Parks has that special raconteur’s gift which he uses to full effect in his novels. The...

A Conversation With Thomas Pitts on Life Elsewhere

“Doing a long interview like this is kind of cathartic.” Says Thomas Pitts of London-based Auld. Talking about himself and his music does not come easily for Thom. Being verbose about your own talent is...

Age Is Just A Number & Arlo Parks Has Plenty To Share on Life Elsewhere

“Age is just a number” is a convenient throw-away line you’ll often hear someone utter when they don’t really want to talk about getting old. How curious then, that age becomes the focus when talking...

Poetry. It’s the Ultimate Freedom on Life Elsewhere

Richard Price says, “When you call someone a poet, it’s like a praise word.” Price has a lot of thoughts about poetry and music and religion and life and, well…Richard is after all poet. He...

Two New Must Reads & Must Hear New Music! (on Life Elsewhere)

After a deadly terrorist bombing at the American embassy in Lebanon in 1983, only one man inside the CIA possessed the courage and skills to rebuild the networks destroyed in the blast: William Buckley. But...

Tom Petty Karaoke By Amy Rigby on Life Elsewhere

A favourite guest at Life elsewhere is the always engaging Amy Rigby. The highly-acclaimed singer-songwriter and astute writer kindly sent us a sound file of her new single, Tom Petty Karaoke. “I don’t usually put...

Two Experts On Two Serious Topics on Life Elsewhere

Your Medical Data & The Dark Web. In a recent article for Global Research, Dr. Binoy Kampmark warns of nefarious use of our medical data on the dark web. He writes, “Patient profiles can be...

Three Very Different Books + One EP on Life Elsewhere

About a week or so ago, late night talk show host, Jimmy Fallon introduced The Tonight Show’s first ever book club and included The Immortalists, the brilliant new novel by Chloe Benjamin. Perhaps, because Fallon...

A Conversation With Rudy Tambala on Life Elsewhere

Rudy Tambala is a smart guy, he’s well read, he’s articulate and he enjoys a spirited conversation. He’s sincere when he states, “Rock ’n’ roll is f#@%ing sex! It’s the rhythm of your blood. It’s...

The Misunderstood Affliction + Two Songs You May Have Missed

Julie Rehmeyer was so sick she sometimes couldn’t turn over in bed. The top specialists in the world were powerless to help, and scientific research on her disease was at a near standstill. She was...

Alt-America: The Rise Of The Radical Right In The Age Of Trump

Donald Trump’s victorious campaign for the US presidency shocked the world, the seemingly sudden national prominence of white supremacists, xenophobes, militia leaders, and mysterious “alt-right” figures mystifies many. But the American extreme right has been...

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