
money in politics

Money in politics sign held by an orange octopus!

The Florida Legislature is considering repealing matching funds to candidates who agree to campaign spending limits

Opponents questioned taking the issue back to voters after a 2010 repeal effort failed. “I feel like the voters have spoken on this issue.”
publix in Florida

Publix gives $100,000 to the political committee led by future Florida House Speaker Daniel Perez

Daniel Perez's (R-Miami) committee, Conservatives for a Better Florida, raised $584,251 during the latest quarter.
WMNF 88.5

Money in Politics, Disqualifying Trump, Jan. 6th and More Constitutional Issues Today

Guest host Matt Newton talks with Stetson Constitutional Law Prof. Ciara Torres-Spelliscy and Tampa Councilman Luis Viera about the many constitutional legal issues on our radar today. 
Ron DeSantis Florida

Friends of Ron DeSantis political committee raised more than $3.6 million in March

As he continues ramping up a potential 2024 White House bid, Gov. Ron DeSantis’ political committee raised nearly $3.68 million in March.
Money in politics sign held by an orange octopus!

Move to Amend warns Tampa & Sarasota about money in politics

A national movement to get big money out of politics and to challenge the idea of corporate personhood is hosting discussions throughout Florida, including in Tampa and Sarasota. WMNF News interviewed Keyan Bliss, a grassroots...
Clean Water Rule

Wetlands scientists support states’ lawsuit to save Clean Water Rule

Several states are suing the federal Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for putting on hold an Obama-era rule to protect wetlands and waterways. And this month an organization of wetlands...
FEC Commissioner Ellen Weintraub

Update: vote means St. Pete could play a role in overturning Citizens United

Update: on Thursday Oct. 5, 2017 the St. Petersburg City Council voted 6-2 to advance this ordinance. Below is a story originally published on Oct. 27, 2016 and here is a link to a related...

St. Pete moves forward with campaign finance reform

Despite an opinion from city lawyers that it is unconstitutional, St. Petersburg City Council moved ahead this morning with an ordinance that would cap Super PAC donations and limit contributions from foreign interests in city...
Susan Smith education schools progressive, critic of Betsy DeVos

How Betsy DeVos could impact education in Florida

Donald Trump is filling out his cabinet and has nominated billionaire conservative Betsy DeVos for education secretary; our guest on MidPoint is an advocate for public education, Susan Smith, the president of the Democratic Progressive Caucus...
Vote here today

Tampa City Council candidate returns donation from party

The Chair of the Hillsborough County Democratic Executive Committee has filed a complaint with the Florida Elections Commission because a candidate for Tampa City Council accepted a $1,000 donation from the Hillsborough Republican Party. Tim...
FEC Commissioner Ellen Weintraub

How St. Pete could play a role in overturning Citizens United

If the U.S. Supreme Court ever overturns its Citizens United decision it might be because of an ordinance that’s being considered by St. Petersburg; on Thursday afternoon the City heard about an ordinance that would limit...
Jeb Bush Marco Rubio Mitt Romney 2012 Oct 31

Jeb Bush Super PAC got $1.3 million from Chinese company: The Intercept

An explosive new series of reports by The Intercept has found that “a corporation owned by a Chinese couple made a major donation to Jeb Bush’s Super PAC Right to Rise USA” in March of...

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