
mental health care

In May, Tampa Bay Hires and Success 4 Kids and Families hold mental health meetings

Tampa Bay Hires and Success 4 Kids and Families Partners to hold Mental Health Awareness Meetings in the month of May.

Health & Nutrition with Dr. Fred Harvey. Mental Health Holiday Stress

Mental Health Holiday Stress and Seasonal Affective We are coming into the more stressful time of year. The holidays often are the times when we place undue stress on ourselves to create a perfect event...
bipolar illness manic depression mental health recovery book

New book on how to recover from bipolar illness

This month there have been two high-profile Americans to die from suicide, drawing attention to suicide prevention and treatment of mental health issues. Wednesday evening in Tampa an author will talk about how to recover...

Propublica project finds $17 billion wasted in Afghanistan

By Rob Lorei Asphalt roads that can’t be maintained. A gas station that no one used. A soybean farming project in a region that cannot grow the crop. A new interactive project by a team...

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