
Lisa Montelione

safe roads

Tally rally: “Equal Pay for Equal Work”

There’s a rally in Tallahassee Tuesday called Equal Pay for Equal Work to support a bill in the Florida Legislature called the Helen Gordon Davis Fair Pay Act; it would guarantee that Florida’s women receive equal...
Eric Ward and Bob Buckhorn

Tampa Police chief: body camera pilot worked

Tampa’s Police Chief told City Council Thursday that the number of bicycle stops and citations continue to decrease; Eric Ward also pointed to results of a USF pilot study showing that Tampa Police officers wearing a body...
Eric Ward and Bob Buckhorn

Tampa Police Chief takes questions from council on “biking while black”

The Tampa Police Chief answered questions Thursday morning from members of City Council about last month’s Department of Justice report that found police disproportionally stopped black bicyclists. The report concluded that despite evidence of “stark racial...
Lisa Montelione

FDOT now has less money to buy property in the way of TBX

The Florida Department of Transportation now has considerably less money to purchase homes and businesses that are in the way of its proposed TBX expressway project. Tampa City Council member Lisa Montelione said Tuesday morning that...
Tampa City Council Mike Suarez Yvonne Yolie Capin

After 13 deadlocks and accusations of gesture Tampa City Council picks Suarez new Chair

It took fourteen contentious rounds of voting – and even accusations of a menacing gesture – but Tampa City Council now has a new chair: Mike Suarez. The vote matters because if Mayor Bob Buckhorn...
Hillsborough River

Tampa supports pumping water from Morris Bridge Sink

Unless they can work out differences by next week, it’s possible that several local governments will end up on opposite sides of a legal battle about whether to pump water from a sinkhole in sensitive...
safe roads

Walk Bike Tampa unveils Vision Zero plan for pedestrian and bicycle safety

A new coalition is trying to make Tampa safer for pedestrians and cyclists; in a press conference Thursday afternoon, Tampa City Council member Lisa Montelione said there have been 43 deaths so far this year in...
Civilian Review Board.

Tampa Council looks for compromise with Buckhorn on police review

Late Thursday afternoon Tampa City Council instructed its attorney to work with the city’s attorney to draft an ordinance creating a citizen board to review police actions. Besides the number of appointments by council or the...
Tampa Heights Community Garden. WMNF News.

Residents keep pressure on Tampa CRA to stop “Lexus Lanes”

Residents of the Tampa Heights neighborhood and others who will be affected by the planned Tampa Bay Express interstate highway expansion are keeping the pressure on elected officials. Thursday morning during public comment, four opponents...
Lisa Montelione

Community discussion Tuesday on “bicycling while black” in Tampa

On Tuesday evening The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) is asking for the public’s input on the Tampa Police Department’s practices of issuing citations for traffic and bicycle...

Pedestrian accident in Tampa revives safety debate

Pedestrian accident in Tampa revives safety debate

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