
Jimmy Dunson


Mutual Aid Disaster Relief helps Florida victims of Hurricane Ian by “sharing power with each other”

Mutual Aid Disaster Relief talked with WMNF about humanitarian relief and solidarity in Florida in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.

Tampa Police arrest 7 for sharing food without permit

On Saturday Tampa Police arrested seven volunteers with Tampa Food Not Bombs for sharing food with hungry people in a city park without a permit — and activists say a repeat scene could occur Tuesday...
Food Not Bombs

Food Not Bombs calls for pretrial support of homeless man

A young homeless man faces a pretrial hearing tomorrow in a Tampa courtroom. Members of a local peace group are calling on people to pack the room to show support for Ashton Stotter. Jimmy Dunson...
WMNF 88.5

Tampa activists call attention to plight of hunger striking Palestinian

Tampa activists call attention to plight of hunger striking Palestinian
WMNF 88.5

Tampa activist undeterred by Ft. Lauderdale ban on sharing food in public parks

Tampa activist undeterred by Ft. Lauderdale ban on sharing food in public parks

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