

Women’s Show 1/4 Begins 2018 with Jessica Mason Pieklo of Rewire; Mary Bottari, of the Center for Media and Democracy

Welcome to 2018…..North Korea’s Rocket Man wants to negotiate peace with the South and Our Rocket Man wants to argue over the size and potency of  red buttons! The Olympic Games have historically honored the...

Jessica Mason Pieklo on Jane Doe in Texas and Samita Mukhopadhyay and Kate Harding on Nasty Women

And I thought The Handmaid’s Tale was fiction!  The truth will set you free – or at least help you understand why you are not free…. Have you been following Jane Doe in Texas –...

Women’s Show-“Quiet before the Storm”-10/12

The chaos we live in…… The president winks at us and tells us “it is the calm before the storm.”  Hurricanes, floods, people dying in Puerto Rico… People dying in the west with the explosive...

Women’s Show – Jessica Mason Pieklo on Women’s Health; Arnie Arnesen’s “Attitude”

Score one for the little people…  all your protests and Indivisible groups demanding to be heard by your senators has paid off… We have beaten back the latest version of TrumpCare.  Celebrate, but do not...

From a Woman’s POV 5/11-Assaults on Democracy and Net Neutrality

Trump…Trump…Trump…the Trumps are Marching…  The assaults on our democracy are coming like machine gun fire – the  separation of church and state.  Last week on National Prayer Day, the president signed a “religious freedom” executive...

Women’s Show 4/6 – Russian Connection and Supreme Court

What is happening? This reminds me of what I call the shadow.  I have been lucky to observe eagles and hawks in nature (eagles do not always fish).  I have watched them do their dive...

Women’s Show 3/23 – Gorsuch, Health Care and Thru Women’s Eyes

Is this all becoming surreal to you? We’re trying to focus on all the things that are happening, but…  Is a cyber-attack an act of war? – particularly when we are talking about the election of...

Women’s Show 2/2 Recap – The Tempest Continues – Gorsuch and more….

The tempest continues… “It is not a Muslim ban, it is to make America safe.”  “Iran – you are on notice.” Regulations – who needs them?  Gorsuch, you are the man, and media – shut...

“Undue Burden” and Trump/Ryan Meeting on Women’s Show

“Undue Burden” – It is an awkward phrase, isn’t it? On Monday the Supreme Court kicked the “undue burden” back to the courts.  The balance in this case is the “under burden” on one’s religious...
WMNF 88.5

Do women have a right to control their bodies? & The Israel and Gaza conflict

Do women have a right to control their bodies? and discussion on Israel and Gaza conflict

From a Woman’s POV discusses the Supreme Court Hobby Lobby decision and the evolution of war in America

Supreme Court Hobby Lobby Decision and the evolution of war in America

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