
International Women’s Day

Enjoy the celebration of Women’s Day on WMNF 88.5

From the earliest hours of the morning until the day's end, the airwaves resonated with the voices of women, collectively fostering a celebration of female empowerment, representation, and resilience.
WMNF 88.5

“A Celebration of Women” on Morning Energy

March is widely known as Women’s History Month, and it is also the month in which International Women’s Day is celebrated.  From women’s suffrage to equal representation in politics, International Women’s Day  and Women’s History...

Rally Sunday in Tampa: “Say NO to Trump’s War on Women”

Friday is International Women’s Day. On Sunday there’s a rally in downtown Tampa called “International Women’s Day: Say NO to Trump’s War on Women.” WMNF’s Seán Kinane interviewed Jerrica Hoey, with Florida Future Labor Leaders....

Women’s Show 3/8 Happy International Women’s Day

A moment, if you will, to reflect, not only on women, but on the human race – its ongoing efforts to manifest and truly be human. It might seem ironic that women who have birthed...

Women’s Show 3/9 – Happy International Women’s Day and Month

Dare to Rise, Resist and Love! … Support A Day Without a Woman! There are many activities in the Tampa Bay area.  Show up.  Wear your red.  Stand for what you believe in.  Stand for...

Women’s Show 3/2 – A Day Without Women

The beat goes on…. Trumpism continues in Washington and women continue to march.  March 8th, International Women’s Day is coming up and many groups, including Angela Davis and National Women’s Liberation, both in recognition of...

Surface Noise is on International Women’s Day!

Host DJ Lounge Laura Taylor has been waiting for this occurrence for ten years now! We’ve always celebrated International Women’s Day on the Surface Noise program, but it has never actually fallen on the 8th!...

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