

Hillsborough River

Tampa infrastructure changes could buffer from sea-level rise

Tampa’s downtown – and much of the city – is only a few feet above current sea level; emphasis on “current.” But by the end of the century ocean levels across the globe are expected...
Karl Nurse.

St. Pete plans to upgrade sewer infrastructure

In a newspaper column Wednesday, St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Krisemen wrote he is recommending to City Council using money from the BP disaster settlement on storm resiliency and sustainability. That’s after the city dumped fifteen million...

La Gaceta Publisher Patrick Mantaiga tackles five issues affecting Hillsborough and Tampa

Today on Radioactivity, Host Rob Lorei talks with Patrick Mantaiga, publisher of trilingual newspaper La Gaceta. In a column published last week, Mantaiga addressed five contentious issues affecting Hillsborough County and Tampa: the formula for...

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