

Bruce Wright

Peace in the Park will call attention to homelessness in St. Pete

This Saturday in downtown St. Petersburg’s Williams Park there will be music, poetry, art and local justice groups calling attention to peace, homelessness and social justice. Peace in the Park is being organized in part...
Adolphus Parker

Homeless Helping Homeless to reduce services after raid

A grassroots homeless charity group in Tampa is in danger of reducing services because of a police raid and code citations last week. Homeless Helping Homeless provides several services including emergency shelter. But the group...

the 17th Annual Homeless Marathon sheds light on issues facing the nation’s homeless

the 17th Annual Homeless Marathon sheds light on issues facing the nation's homeless
WMNF 88.5

Tampa FNB activist ends hunger strike after judge’s decision halting Ft. Lauderdale feeding rule

Tampa FNB activist ends hunger strike after judge's decision halting Ft. Lauderdale feeding rule

Ft. Lauderdale hunger striker continues to protest city’s ban on sharing food in parks

Ft. Lauderdale hunger striker continues to protest city's ban on sharing food in parks
WMNF 88.5

Tampa activist undeterred by Ft. Lauderdale ban on sharing food in public parks

Tampa activist undeterred by Ft. Lauderdale ban on sharing food in public parks

Labor unions hard at work at Pinellas HOPE on Labor Day weekend

Many Americans marked Labor Day weekend as a start to the football season, a day to fire up the barbeque, and enjoy a national holiday away from work. But the holiday began to honor labor...
WMNF 88.5

Homeless population dismayed as food sharing restrictions continue

The slumping economy has cost many people their jobs, and some their homes. As the rising homeless population remains a major concern, a report released today says many cities across the U.S. are blocking those...
WMNF 88.5

St. Pete’s homeless protest Mayor Baker’s farewell party

Saturday night, St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Baker was given a farewell celebration at Demens Park, courtesy of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce. The event was protested by homeless activists who believe that Mayor Baker’s...

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