

MLK statue

Panel moves forward on a Black history museum in northeast Florida

A report outlines how to build, market, operate and eventually make self-sufficient a Black history museum proposed for St. Johns County.
padlock and chains

FEA criticizes Florida for keeping a history standard touting the benefits of slavery

A standard says, “Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.”

Sex Is Confusing.

“It’s incredible the amount of hate I have received from people who haven’t even read my piece” Agustin Fuentes on the extraordinary response to his recent essay for Scientific American titled, “Here’s Why Human Sex...
Havana Cuba

On the anniversary of the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, DeSantis signs a bill requiring the teaching of communism history in Florida

Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday signed a measure that will lead to the history of communism being taught in grades as low as kindergarten.

The Complexities Of Families

Maureen Sun – The Sisters K In her original, masterful, debut novel, Maureen Sun dissects the unfolding tragedy about sisters and family and the hostile undercurrents of love and hate keeping them together. After years...

Two Important Books On American Women’s Lives

Felicia Kornbluh – A Woman’s Life Is a Human Life  A Woman’s Life Is A Human Life – My Mother, Our Neighbor and the Journey from Reproductive Rights to Reproductive Justice is the story of...
Author Bill DeYoung

Author Bill DeYoung on preserving St. Petersburg history through the written word

Bill DeYoung is a St. Pete native preserving the history of the city through stories of its recent past. He shared his stories on WMNF WaveMakers with Janet & Tom. DeYoung, who got his journalism...

Resurgence Of Fascism, Cronyism In Florida

The fascist outbreak between WWI and WWII informs where fascism is re-surging today. Fascism is a far-right ideology that is leading to political violence and lies to blame “the Left” are rampant. Today the show...
MLK statue

Florida Democrat files a bill on Black history standards to prohibit teaching that enslaved people benefited from slavery

The bill was filed in response to a controversial part of African-American history standards approved by the State Board of Education in July.

Ahmed Baba On Trump – Four Years, Day By Day!

“Trump’s first major typo after winning the election was spelling Unprecedented incorrectly. He infamously tweeted “Unpresidented.” This typo is emblematic of his administration: An impulsive, unprepared, frantically thrown together group of characters with virtually no...

Seek And Hide. Why We Fight.

Amy Gajda Seek And Hide: The Tangled History Of The Right To Privacy Amy Gajda, a former jour­nalist, and one of the country’s top experts on privacy and the media shares information about her own...
New College of Florida

A judge weighs restrictions Florida has placed on higher education courses

A new Florida law prohibits instruction on certain topics in “general education core courses” at state colleges and universities.

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