
health care

The Misunderstood Affliction on Life Elsewhere

Julie Rehmeyer was so sick she sometimes couldn’t turn over in bed. The top specialists in the world were powerless to help, and scientific research on her disease was at a near standstill. She was...

Women’s Show 3/23 – Gorsuch, Health Care and Thru Women’s Eyes

Is this all becoming surreal to you? We’re trying to focus on all the things that are happening, but…  Is a cyber-attack an act of war? – particularly when we are talking about the election of...
ACA replacement Obamacare GOP

Kathy Castor slams ‘horrendous’ GOP ACA replacement

After years of criticizing the Affordable Care Act and unsuccessfully trying to repeal it, Congressional Republicans have unveiled a replacement; but Democratic Congress member Kathy Castor of Tampa says the proposed ACA replacement will cost...
Obamacare Medicare Medicaid

Medicare, Medicaid and ACA supporters take message to Rubio

Supporters of Medicare, Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act are speaking out to try to save the healthcare programs from a united Republican front in Congress and the new Trump administration; Tuesday morning about a dozen...
Sylvia Burwell

Sylvia Burwell in Tampa pushing ACA enrollment

Update: the deadline has been extended to the end of the day on Monday, December 19. Thursday Dec. 15 is the deadline to enroll or re-enroll in health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA)...
No to McDonald's at Tampa General Hospital

Citizens want Tampa General Hospital to drop McDonald’s

A coalition of citizens is asking Tampa General Hospital to get rid of its McDonald’s fast food franchise; but the hospital says it can’t because of a long-term contract. Elena Cuadros, with Corporate Accountability International,...

Florida health worse in 2015: dead last in food safety

Florida has dropped a spot to 33rd worst in national health rankings. A United Health Foundation report published today highlights the things Florida is doing right and wrong and some things the state can do...

Tampa mayor Bob Buckhorn rolls up his sleeves to get the uninsured affordable health care

Mayor Bob Buckhorn has his eyes on the prize and wants to get the uninsured in Tampa signed up for health care. Today President Obama and the Whitehouse launched the Healthy Communities Challenge. It tasks...

Local workers call for increase of minimum wage to $15 an hour.

Local workers call for increase of minimum wage to $15 an hour.
WMNF 88.5

Governor Scott wants feds to keep funds flowing for low-income heath care

Governor Scott wants feds to keep funds flowing for low-income heath care

Home health care workers want higher wages and unions

In Tampa yesterday, industry workers spoke up and announced they are looking for union representation to aid them in the fight

Executive Director of Families USA talks about working Floridians who don’t make enough to afford healthcare

More than half (51 percent) of the nearly 1.1 million uninsured Floridians who would benefit from the state’s expansion of health care—nearly 551,000 residents—are working Floridians employed in occupations that most people rely on daily...

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