
health care


DeSantis seeks information from universities about services provided to transgender people

Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration is requiring universities to provide information about services they have provided to transgender people.
Medicare Counselors Amy Hagel & Fran Oberne

MidPoint: Shopping for Medicare plans? SHINE can help.

FREE, UNBIASED help from trained Medicare counselors is available from SHINE Medicare to help seniors choose their Medicare health care coverage for 2023. Appointments with SHINE counselors can be made at 800-963-5337.

Florida faces challenges on its Medicaid minimum wage

Three healthcare groups challenged the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration about direct care workers getting a minimum of $15/hour.
dental health care teeth cleaning in schools

Saturday: free dental cleanings in Manatee County for kids 6-17 years old

On October 29th, the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine Dental clinic is doing free dental treatments for children 6 to 17 years old.

MidPoint: Psychedelics for mental health

Depression and anxiety seem to be a prevailing mood among the masses, and the clinical diagnosis and treatment of such mental illnesses still leave much to be desired. Adverse side effects from prescription medication and...
COVID-19 vaccines

Unvaccinated staff cost Pasco County school district $11 million, according to a report

The Pasco school district’s health policy is about $11 million in debt because of COVID-related claims by unvaccinated employees.

WaveMakers: Jennifer Yeagley, CEO of the St. Petersburg Free Clinic

When it comes to fighting for equitable treatment and a healthier lifestyle, Jennifer Yeagley is at the forefront. She is the CEO of St. Petersburg Free Clinic, an organization helping to give everyone an opportunity...
news, abortion, legal abortion march rally

St. Pete Marches for women’s rights

30-40 protestors gathered in St. Petersburg show support for women’s rights and the upholding of Roe v. Wade.
Representatives from Gudedas and Ray Williams funeral homes

Funeral march for COVID-19 deaths

The national death toll related to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States is just surpassing 100,000, and several progressive activist organizations are pushing the state to provide more financial relief instead of reopening too...

Women’s Show 2/1 ~ Health Care and Gymnastics: the Testimony of Survivors

The State of the Union has come and gone – thank heavens! Tell me, did you know what condition your condition is in?   It looks like you’d better. The big money guys – Jeff Bezos,...
Kathy Castor Bill Nelson Children' Medical Services kid's health care

Nelson and Castor press HHS on Children’s Medical Services

Two years ago the state of Florida removed 13,000 children with special needs from a specialized health care program called Children’s Medical Services. Thursday in a press conference at Tampa International Airport U.S. Senator Bill...
Health Care, not tax cuts. Medicaid, not millionaires. Trumpcare. AHCA. Senate healthcare bill

Tampa groups urge a “no” vote on Trumpcare

Republican leaders in the U.S. Senate have delayed a vote on their bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with a “Trumpcare” bill that cuts Medicaid and reduces taxes; in a press conference...

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